Welcome to Rajdhani College



Welcome to the Rajdhani College Library. The Library website is gateway to our resources and services. The library website aims to provide a brief introduction to the facilities and services provided by the college library, its collection, working hours and other relevant information for students, faculty & staff members. The primary objective of the library is to assist the user and also to implement, enrich, and support the educational programs of Rajdhani College. The Library is the backbone of the research and development activities of Rajdhani College. To support teaching, learning and research library and its resources plays a very important role. Library is an integral part of any academic setup and is required to meet the information, research, and curriculum needs of its students, faculty, and staff members. Our library has wide range of collections to meet the needs of the library users. The library holdings include a diverse collection of print, non-print, and electronic resources for its users. The Library mission is to enable the students, faculty and staff members of Rajdhani College to utilize optimally its resources in order to achieve their research, learning, and teaching goals.  As Librarian of College Library, I ensure you all to give best of the library services along with the team of my dedicated library staff who make available library collections within the library and over the net. I do hope that everybody would make full use of the facilities and services offered by our college library.

“Libraries and Librarian may be

considered as torch bearer

against the war of

illiteracy and ignorance”

The library of the college provides the students and the staff a technology-rich and a vibrant environment. The college complex has a three storeyed library facility with access to around one lac scholarly books, periodicals, magazines and e-books & e-journals, on various subjects. It offers OPAC facility and also provides access to various online academic portals. The library has an exclusive faculty reading corner.

There are computers with high speed internet facility, printer and subscription to    several e-journals that are intended to meet the expectations of the current internet savvy generation. The college has an automated library with air conditioned reading hall, where around one hundred students may be accommodated.

The College also has a Library Committee with one member from each department to keep the study material updated by ordering latest publications on a variety of subjects.

The college has customized facilities like Braille library for the visually impaired and physically challenged students. The college library has procured many Braille books with the provision of a separate section. With the active collaboration between the Equal Opportunity Cell of the college and the College Library Committee, the computer friendly section for 'Persons with Disability' (PWD) was set up in the Library in 2011-12. It has launched various facilities for the differently-abled students. Book Scanning facility, Screen Reading software is being installed, Digital Audio Books (DAISY Format) and       E-Books made available to these students. Along with that, voice recorders are kept in the Library with the purpose of issuing to the differently-abled students. Visually challenged students are provided with laptops equipped with Braille software. The library has two members trained by the University of Delhi to provide assistance to the PH students and staff in the library.

Library Card
Library issues library barcoded card to library members wishing to borrow books.  Library cards are  to  be shown, if demanded, at the time of entering into the library or whenever asked for in the library. Undergraduate students are allowed to borrow five (5) books and Postgraduate students are entitled to borrow six (6) books.

Library Net-Cafe
The College library also has internet facility, with  computers available for users. Internet facility is available for the members, which they can use for accessing e-journals, e-books and databases of various websites.

Reading Room: 9.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Daily Issue/Return: 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
Renewal/Issue of Duplicate library card: 3.00 pm. to 5.30 pm (Daily)

Basic Rules
While in the library, all persons shall observe all basic and elementary principles of library ethics, obey the rules and procedures of the library and submit to discipline enforced by the University of Delhi. 

  1.  Books are issued to the members for two weeks.

  2.  The overdue charge is Re. 1/- per book per day.

  3.  Library card is required to be shown, if demanded, at the time of entering into the library or whenever asked for in the library.

  4.  Undesirable or unauthorized persons shall have no access to the library and if found in the Library, they shall be liable to expulsion from the library by the Librarian/ Principal.

  5.  Conversation, talking, sleeping, smoking, and loitering are not allowed in the library. Use of Mobile Phones is not allowed within the library premises.

  6.  At the time of entering the library, all personal belongings and books not belonging to the College Library and books though borrowed from the library but not meant to be returned to the library, shall be deposited at the Property Counter at the entrance to the library.

  7.  Every member of the library shall be responsible for the safe custody of any library book borrowed by him/her for the study in the Library Reading Room or for use at home.

  8.  Students held responsible for loss, damage, defacement or mutilation of books shall be liable to compensate the library in such way as may be determined by the Librarian/Library Committee.

Library Clearance
Each student is required to take a clearance from the library before the university Admit card/Examination Hall Ticket is issued to him/her.