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Grievance Committee

Grievance Committee




Admission Grievance Committee for the academic session 2022-2023


For the academic session 2021-2022, following are the members of the Admission Grievance Committee:

Name Phone Email-id
Dr.Suman Meena(Convenor) 9013598252 sumanjay21@gmail.com
Dr.Sunita Arya Chhokra 9810331708 sunita2chhokra@gmail.com
Mr.Anand Prakash 8287886111 chemistryanand11@gmail.com
Dr.Sanjeev Choudhary 9999106526 sanjeevkumarphy@gmail.com
Dr.Ritu Payal 9871686861 ritupayal.10@gmail.com
Dr.Shefali Rathore 9871348997 shefalirathore2003@gmail.com
Dr.Mansi Dhingra 9910536466 mansidhingra7@gmail.com
Dr.Arti Rastogi 9971405710 artirastogi96@gmail.com
Mr.Shri Bhagwan ( Administative Officer) 9891852572 sbhagwanyadav@gmail.com